Thursday, 19 August 2021

Summer blog updates.

 Where has the time gone? As I drank my morning coffee on this rather gloomy day, I decided to check out my blog - it has been some time! I was quite surprised that in has actually been 7 months since I put pen to blog. At that time we were just entering the second lockdown and I think we were all in a miserable state of shock. Looking back I published 'Isolation Blues' on the 17th January. I remember feeling the aching longing to see my family and friends again outside of all restrictions.

As I look out of my isolation window
on our locked down world
you seem to fly in to make me smile.
Your red breast becomes my beacon of light -
to give me hope
to share the love
to help me remember
that I am loved.

You duck and dive.
You bop and hop.
Center stage, you take the floor.
As you come to land, you catch my eye.
You seem to say
"Not long now - my dear."

Just take care.
Stay safe.
Sit tight.
Stay in touch
with those you love.

One last wink and you fly away.
Back tomorrow, I hear you say.
Don't give up hope.
Fight the fight.
We are so close.
The end is in sight.


So I have now spent the morning updating my 'Insights to make you smile' 'Elsie's Story', changing the blog theme and introducing my 'Daily Gardening Diary.' After all, I always intended my blog to be the place that I share my world - so here you go. Mrs Writer's Writing Bureau is up and running again after a summer sort out and spring clean.


Metamorphosis and moving on

On retiring from teaching late 2021, I found myself in a liminal state of uncertainty. From the mad, hectic and oh so busy life of teaching,...